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High-quality repair of iPhones free diagnostics

Offer type: servicesPublished: 19.05.2014
Produce high-quality repair of iPhones (iPhone 3/3S, 4/4s, 5/5s) with free diagnostics.
Diagnosis spend with you for 15-30 minutes. More than 80% of all damage repaired on site within 1-2 hours.
List of services:
1. Diagnosis - 0 RUB
2. Software repair from 490 rubles for 15 minutes
3. Display replacement - from 1000 rubles from 40 minutes
4. Replacement touchscreen (glass) - from 1000 rubles from 40 minutes
5. The recovery from 500 rubles from 40 minutes
6. Replacement body parts, cleaning from 500 rubles from 40 minutes
7. Restore iPhone after moisture - from 700 rubles from 40 minutes
8. Replacement speaker or replacement of microphone - from 750 rubles from 40 minutes
9. Other problems - from 750 rubles.
Supervise all the work of our artists. Guarantee work for up to a year.
Give discounts 5% for the other.
Repair also iPads and other mobile devices and tablets.
How to find us: metro Gostiny Dvor or Mayakovskaya metro 51, entrance from Nevsky Prospekt, the service Re-repair
Opening hours: from 10.00 to 21.00. Day off - Sunday.
Attention! Only until the end of this week - up to 500 rubles for iPad repair. Call now!