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Time station series PEAK-3M

Offer type: salePublished: 13.05.2014
Seller:Group Albion Group
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Address:Republic of Kazakhstan
The company "Albion Group offers products of JSC "NIICHASPROM". Time stations are designed to build small and medium systems single time. Watch station PEAK-3M ("music"). Provide: management of secondary analog and digital clock in one or two lines; -carrying capacity of the control line for hours to 1.0 a; short circuit protection on each line control clock display non emergency line; synthesis of music and/or speech fragments in user programmable times weekly program that can be used to issue alerts or advertisements for businesses, shopping malls, etc.; b) loss of music scheduled calls in educational institutions; loss of a peal of bells for the tower or facade hours; automatic input time (synchronization) in a radio network, from the receiver to the satellite GPS signals or satellite receiver GLONASS signals (GLONASS or GPS receiver, antenna, antenna cable are supplied with appropriate modifications); control digital clock type "Belt" along the same lines as analog clock; manual time setting; the time display and the position of the clock hands using liquid crystal display.