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Grinding, sanding, parquet and planks

Offer type: servicesPublished: 07.05.2014
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Performed sanding, scraping, putty, paint, Euro-sanding of parquet. Equipped with unique German equipment for leveling, scraping and sanding large surfaces.
Sanding parquet is made in any convenient for you time, weekends and holidays, as of old flooring, and freshly laid.
Polishing of parquet is made without dust.
We work with new and old floors.
Restored damaged floors.
Varnishing of parquet. Applying oil-wax.
Have parquet and parquet boards.
We work with professional materials: "Loba", "Bona","Synteko","Osmo". so on
Carefully, quickly, efficiently. Departure of the master on the object and shipping materials for free