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Sold BAR (Ready business)

Offer type: salePublished: 06.05.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
On the Petrograd side sold original gastronomic bar called Fly. In a cozy space bar (orange walls, hand-painted by the artist Natalia Serdyukova, input in the form of a phone booth, laconic furniture, sofas in bright covers and original lamps) hosts various events, master-classes on cooking delicious meals. And at night you can enjoy a game of mafia. The property is perfect for receptions, small weddings and birthdays. 25 seats. The area of 77 square meters Kitchen is fully equipped. The menu is updated regularly. Distribution of flyers and all promotion events held. Bar equipped with everything necessary for work and business! The friendly staff. The quality of the food high. Net profit of around 140,000 rubles per month