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Change the classifier in Donetsk and Makiivka

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.05.2013
Seller:Evdokimova Natal'ya
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
Change the classifier in Donetsk and Makiivka
From 1 January 2012 in Ukraine started a new classification of economic activities NACE 2010, NACE 2012 (at the time of entry into force). During 2012, acted and old and new Quadi. This year old Quady constitute grounds for refusal of reporting: financial statistical bodies, declarations for the payment of the single tax on profits, which may result in blocking of entrepreneurial activity.
If You haven't changed NACE, at an affordable price, promptly we will prepare the necessary documents and register them in the state bodies, will pick up the codes.
To change the economic activities in Donetsk and Makiivka, You will need to provide the following documents:
for legal entities
the original Charter (the page with the data of participants);
copy of Extract from the unified state register;
a copy of the certificate HUS.
for individuals
copy of Extract from the unified state register;
copy of the passport and**.
Registration of activities includes the following steps:
the selection of activities according to NACE 2010;
preparation of package of documents;
support notarization of the Charter in the event of a change in activities specified in the Statute (for legal entities);
support to the notary to sign the power of attorney (for individuals);
amendments to the unified state register;
amendments to the unified state register for legal persons.
Information about the change of the activities specified in the usr is automatically sent to the tax authorities and the pension Fund.
As a result of rendering our services to change the classifier in Donetsk and Makiivka, You have:
The new edition of the Charter in the event of a change of the activities specified in the Statute (for legal entities)
Extract from the unified state register of activities according to NACE 2010 (for legal entities)
Help GUS activities according to NACE 2010 (for legal entities)
for legal entities - with the new edition of the Charter - 800 UAH, without Charter - 500 UAH.
Cost of services includes: notary expenses on the identity of the Statute, the state fee for registration changes, the state fee for a certificate HUS, our fees for registration of change.
for individuals - UAH 500.
Cost of services includes: notary expenses on the attorney, the state fee for registration changes, the cost of our registration changes.