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Registration of changes in constituent documents in Donetsk and Makiivka

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.05.2013
Seller:Evdokimova Natal'ya
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
At an affordable price, promptly will prepare the necessary documents and register them in the state bodies.
For changes in the constituent documents must provide the following documents and information: - original constituent documents ; - photocopy of passport (1st, 2nd page and the page with registration and identification codes of all of the founders and officers; - other documents (depending on the changes); - information about the changes. In the list of our services includes: - preparation of all necessary constituent documents (the new edition of the Charter, the decision of the owner or Protocol); - registration of changes in the Management of state registration of legal entities and physical persons-entrepreneurs; - registration in the Department of statistics. The price of the service "amendments to the constituent documents from 700 UAH. The price of the service does not include payment of stamp duty, notary services, and other necessary payments.