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Registration of company in Donetsk and Makiivka

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.05.2013
Seller:Evdokimova Natal'ya Valentinovna
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Address:Ukraine, Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk
For the most affordable price in Donetsk will promptly register Your company!!!
For registration of the LLC must provide the following documents and information: -copies of passports and identification numbers of founders - natural persons and officials (Director, chief accountant); -copies of constituent documents of the founder is a legal person, duly attested; -if the founders - individuals registered as private entrepreneurs, an additional copy of the certificate of state registration; -information about the name of the company; -information on the legal address; -information on the size and method of formation of the authorized capital. In the list of our services ("turnkey") includes: -registration with the state Registrar (statement), -registration and getting help from the Department of statistics about the enterprise registration in the unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine; -manufacture of printing; -submission of documents for registration of the single tax (on request). The price is 700 UAH. The price of the service "turnkey" - 1500 UAH: 700 USD. - the price of services; 200 UAH. - notarial costs (1, 2 founder); 220 UAH. - the state duty; 250 UAH. - print; 130 UAH. - additional costs associated with registration of a legal entity.Law firm Natalia Evdokimova, Ltd < a href=http://www.ypag.EN/ > Yellow pages < /a > CIS. Announcement : < a href= > Registration of company in Donetsk and Makiivka < /a >