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Trichogramma 15-UAH 50000 piece in the calculation for 15-20 acres

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Price:15 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya

Of Trichogramma are entomophages. A number of species of the genus of trichogram (primarily Trichogramma ordinary, Trichogramma evanescens West., Bestuzheva, Trichogramma embryophagum Htg., euproctis - Trichogramma euproctidis Gir.) propagation in biological laboratories on the grain moth eggs and use to fight Scheuerle pests of agricultural crops. Of Trichogramma lays eggs in fresh eggs of pests. Adult Trichogramma produce approximately 50 points per hectare planting. When you struggle with cabbage and winter Sovkome produce up to 50 thousand species of Trichogramma per hectare in two instalments during the laying of pest eggs. Trichogramma is also used in biological control of meadow and corn moths, Codling moth,cabbage butterflies.

Well-developed methods of application of Trichogramma for protection against pests of cabbage and tomatoes, sweet corn[1].

In General, Trichogramma can be used to combat several tens (70) species of insect pests.