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New! Syrup in coffee and desserts

Offer type: salePublished: 08.04.2018
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
For you and for your customers!
The range is enriched and embellished showcase a new product – syrups "Gapchinska"!
At present the line we have gathered the best quality analogues of domestic production: natural ingredients, flavor and aromatic components, the right texture, easy to use.

Syrups Gapchinska will attract even more new visitors to your establishment, and "old" also want them to try it "on taste and color".

As many of such syrups, the new product is designed for:
• Prepare alcoholic cocktails;
• Soft drinks;
• Decorating desserts;
• Coffee drinks;
Additives in ice cream;
• Baking, desserts.
Sure you will like it!
Again - congratulations - syrups "Gapchinska" for our (and soon your) display!
Order! Spend the summer with "Gapchinska"!