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Flying fairy original

Offer type: salePublished: 25.04.2014
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Flying fairy Flying Fairy is an interactive toy doll that can fly! This is the best gift for Your children. Magic fairy has a built-in motor and non-ferrous propellers that are part of the attire of fairy-tale character. And yet - touch sensors that monitor the presence of nearby objects and keep flying toys at a certain distance from them. Just turn the button on the stand-base, how to earn a miniature motor and pupa fly. To manage it, by holding the bottom of the palm: the sensor is triggered by the presence of the subject and the pupa rises above. Above the palm - higher flight, dropping the hand can be reduced and the height of flight magic fairies. No radio, sophisticated devices or additional conditions - only agility and swiftness will help the fairy to stay in the air. http://летающая-фея