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Ready advertising business

Offer type: salePublished: 17.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Blickfang - designed to distribute promotional video information, advertising entrepreneurs, with which You can develop your business with a stable income. Enough to place on Blickfanget 20 commercials on 5 thousand rubles (or for example 10 videos in 10 thousand) and your earnings will be 100 thousand rubles per month.
Advertisers will be attracted to such cheap and good advertising, for example to 5 thousand rubles, the entrepreneur will receive the screening of his movie 40 times a day for 1 minute in a prestigious shopping centre, passing by potential customers, i.e 1240 shows commercials per month per minute (well, and either 4 rubles for 1 show ! - there are really even available !)