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Ready business: Internet shop of the goods for adults with profit

Offer type: salePublished: 16.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana 79057673622
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Address:Russian Federation
Will sell business. 4 years on the market. The region - Russia.
The average monthly income of 70-100 thousand rubles enabled direct (website, also moved on SEO). Confirmation arrived.
Profit per sale 1500 - 4000 rubles
The contract with the supplier without purchasing the goods are taken after receipt of order.
Includes database of clients per 1000 people and the trade balance at 30 thousand rubles
On sale includes:
1) the Website;
2) Advertising campaign;
3) Contract with a supplier with a wholesale discount;
4) customer Base;
5) trade balance at 30 thousand rubles;
During the month, the seller undertakes to teach business.
The reason for the sale:
Change the scope of work six months ago. Orders come now without investing in advertising.
Steadily growing demand without seasonal fluctuations.
Price: 300 000 rubles