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Business for sale: Profitable toy store with passive income

Offer type: salePublished: 15.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell profitable toy store. 4 years on the market.
Completely passive income. In the shop sold versed in the specifics, Your participation is not required.
-Goods on consignment;
-A heavily trafficked area in the shopping center near the metro;
-Places where the target audience nearby;
-No advertising costs;
-Best rental conditions (28 m2);
Assets: commercial equipment, refrigerator, balloons with helium, trade balance 100 thousand rubles
The average monthly turnover - 150 thousand rubles
The average monthly net income of 60 thousand rubles Confirmation profit.
Store without advertising and website brings stable net profit of 60 thousand rubles per month.
When investing in advertising, connecting customers and recipe scripts to the seller, the net profit can grow 2-3 times per year.
For sale will be drawn up a marketing plan business development for the new owner.
Reason for sale - moving.
Price: 630 000 rubles