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Sale shop online store

Offer type: salePublished: 15.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Work online store, shop (pavilion) vending equipment, sign. Is five minutes from the metro, the Leased premises. The contract for besace. Bore place, opposite in progress in the shop. Natural cosmetics, textiles, perfumes, cosmetics for face and hair. Business 2 years, currently has more than 40 vendors, contracts, invoices, certificates, declarations ACC. Cash register, there is an agreement, thereby increasing the number of positions involved in the advertising company Yandex, Google, may increase positions. Means of production: work online store, shop - pavilion product, because the same equipment. The store is located next to the metro, the pavilion at the entrance to the store. Agents please do not disturb.