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Profitable business child development center

Offer type: salePublished: 14.04.2014
Seller:Serova Diana
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Address:Russian Federation
Sell children's center for children of preschool age from 9 months to 7 years.
The main focus is on preparation for school, ballet, dance, English, design Studio, games, drama Studio.
Works kindergarten short content.
The average monthly net income 120 000 rubles Confirmation profit.
The average monthly turnover of 500 000 rubles
5 years on the market.
Have a website, 2 of ads (posters), a huge number of recommendations which come.
The customer base of several thousand people, it is configured SMS and e-mail newsletter.
There are 12 teachers and 2 administrator. The majority of teachers have 2 higher educations, I love your work!
Located 5 km from Moscow ring road in the Odintsovo district.
Area - 120 square meters owned furniture, equipment classes, office equipment.
Reason for sale - moving.
This is a business that brings not only profit, but also the joy of communicating with children and grateful parents!
Price: 1 620 000 rubles