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Buy Lynx Home can we Sell hand reset

Offer type: salePublished: 14.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Will sell kittens Lynx. The age of 1.5 months and older. Handmade kids and adults for captive content. We offer kittens from nurseries, from professional breeders. Kittens will be on sale at the end of may - beginning of summer. Please, book your kids in advance kittens is not much, and mostly they are sold by appointment. Also in the sale of Handmade kids and captive content: Panther, Leopard, Tiger, lion, Puma, Jaguar. Serval, Caracal, Ocelot, Jungle cat, cat Rybalov striped Hyena. Perhaps the acquisition of other Exotic species of cats. Sale of predators for zoos, private nurseries, circus artists. Prices and availability of animals to specify the phone. Contacts : Possible shipping!