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Links to the best Suppliers for the online store!

Offer type: salePublished: 13.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Krasnodar
Offer more than 2,200 references Russian and foreign suppliers (factories) without intermediaries, at a good price! Databases are updated! Turkey-262 site, China-117, England-14, US-69, Germany-39, Austria-80, Russia-123 (as well as underwear-102, linen-25, baby sites-88). Italy and Japan-3 site. Ukraine-392. Belarus-6.Wedding dresses-76.Links to providers such as: JK Fashion, Dress Code, Karolina Vog, and many others. There is a small wholesale, free shipping, retail! Payment is made at a map of Sberbank. The cost of the links only 1000 rubles! You need to write to me on the phone (Viber) or simply SMS. I send the card number Sberbank, after payment you send your e-mail address and last 4 digits of your card. I immediately send you the links. Links super!