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Pirozhkovys apparatus ASP

Offer type: salePublished: 12.04.2014
Seller:S Nikolaj
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
"Automatic apparatus for the production of pies ASP designed for fried pies. As the filling can be used minced meat and fish, jam, mashed potatoes and even dried apricots. The entire process, from loading the dough and stuffing, and ending with the delivery of the finished pies, made in the machine ASP.
Performance PCs/hour 800 - 880
The weight of the cake, g 40 - 80
Lots of toppings, g 12-45
The time of heating the oil to a working condition, 20 min
The duration of cooking of the Patty, 2 minutes
Voltage, V 380
Rated power, kW 11
Overall dimensions, mm 1550 x 1780 x 1850
Weight, kg 850
General appearance and operation of the machine shown in the video:
The production process pies:
Nikolai, +38-066-341-94-34,, "