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Italian language courses

Offer type: servicesPublished: 11.04.2014
Italian language courses at the training center of "Syntagma" - the fastest and most efficient way to study the Italian language, where the main reason of success is practice, and more practice! Our methods of learning Italian is a feeling of total immersion. Studying on our courses, your confidence will grow, and your focus becomes less pronounced. Your vocabulary will expand, and you will be free to communicate in the Italian language, to read and understand publications in one of the most beautiful languages in the world, to maintain correspondence with friends and colleagues abroad. On our courses You can choose as group lessons and individual study of the Italian language. A trial lesson is free! All our teachers are qualified, certified professionals with thousands of hours of practice teaching.Saltovka, New Homes (near subway). phone(057) 754-90-02, (050) 516-72-53, (097) 984-67-16, (063) 223-15-08.