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Buy cable Vvhnh-LS 3x2,5 in Moscow

Offer type: salePublished: 09.04.2014
Seller:Belov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Buy cable Vvhnh-LS 3x2,5 in Moscow.
Cable Vvhnh-LS 3x2,5 does not distribute retardant and low smoke and gas emission.
This cable will cost more than a regular cable VVG.
The supplied cable Vvhnh-LS 3x2,5 in Moscow and the Moscow region, other regions of Russia from a warehouse in the North-East of Moscow.
Cable Vvhnh-LS h.Metr,78
Cable Vvhnh-LS h.Metr,17
Cable Vvhnh-3x2 LS.Metr,69
Cable Vvhnh-3x2 LS.Metr,47
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