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Supply power cable VVG 3x2,5

Offer type: salePublished: 09.04.2014
Seller:Belov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Supply power cable VVG 3x2,5.
Our company is engaged in supplying power cable VVG 3x2,5.
The cable will help You to make safe electrical wiring in the home or office. Also along with the cable are able to purchase accessories for mounting, for example, a cable channel, corrugation, wago terminals, sleeves cable, terminal blocks, and much more.
Cable VVG h.5 Cmlr,53
Cable VVG 3x2.5 Bmer,96
Cable Vvhnh h.Metr,99
Cable Vvhnh 3x2.5 Cmlr,71
Cable Vvhnh-LS h.Metr,78
Cable Vvhnh-LS h.Metr,17
Cable Vvhnh-3x2 LS.Metr,69
Cable Vvhnh-3x2 LS.Metr,47
The prices are reasonable, but may vary, so call.