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Computer repair in Odessa

Offer type: servicesPublished: 08.04.2014
Seller:Valerievich Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Qualitative repair of computers and computer technology in Dnepropetrovsk. Our specialists are able to diagnose and perform repairs in the shortest possible time. To offer many solutions to the problem of Your choice.
Diagnosis is free of charge. Payment only after completion of the work and the problem is resolved. All work performed warranty and post-warranty service.
Also you can get free advice from our experts on the phone.
Do the work:
· Troubleshooting of computer
· Cleaning your computer
· The repair of the motherboard
· Repair video
· Repair of power supply
· Replace processor
· Replacing the optical drive
· Replace RAM
· And other works of any complexity
(093) 811 63 28
(056) 788 25 38
(067) 78 78 344
(095) 77 09 333
ICQ 618349751