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Green coffee wholesale, 399 USD per kg

Offer type: salePublished: 08.04.2014
Seller:Vladimirovich Anton
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Address:Russian Federation
Sale green coffee in bulk directly from the manufacturer. Looking for partners and distributors in the implementation of green coffee.
Green coffee powder and grain .
-Ground green coffee with ginger.
Why work with us:
-The lowest price from 399 rubles per kg, thanks to our own production. Your mark-up to 300%.
System to increase sales for everyone!
-Realization of coffee in the package under the name of our company, or in a package under your brand.
- Minimum lot just from 10 000 rubles
The goods are always in stock in any quantity.
The first free shipping! Shipment the next day after payment.
Who is already working with us:
-Owners of retail shops, tea and coffee
- The organizers of the joint procurement
-Online tea shops, coffee, healthy food and aspiring entrepreneurs
Retail networks and businesses similar topics
Become our partner in your city! A product that sells itself!
Don't miss your chance to capitalize on profitable trend!