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Italian Pasca-Colombo brought from Italy.Shipping all Ukraine

Offer type: salePublished: 07.04.2014
Seller:Bojko Anastasiya
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HC. guests of the page, the importation of fresh paschek 12-13 April - please order in advance, the details stipulated by phone!
Colombo - fragrant and delicate Italian Easter cake in the form of a dove with an almond glaze.
Sold in a beautiful gift box is a delicious gift for EASTER yourself and loved ones - quote from Italy.
The consistency of colomby (Easter cake) similar to called panettone (Christmas cake) - they are a bit drier, but just as flavorful and tender. And most importantly, they are covered with a delicious almond glaze !
Made often with candied fruit ,raisins, nuts, chocolate.
To Colombo,cut into pieces, hot drinks, such as coffee or hot chocolate, or sweet Italian wine.
Products are produced for the domestic market of Italy and the European Union.