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Sell operating a profitable business

Offer type: salePublished: 07.04.2014
Seller:Yurij Ivanovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Orenburgskaya Oblast', Kuvandyk
Sold the largest field in Russia and the current 14 years mining company natural stone, quartz slate "Platelet", for cladding and paving in the construction of different objects. The stone is identical to the world-famous Norwegian ALTA quartzite. The Deposit consists of six open pits. Land area of more than 300 hectares in the property. License to 2030, with right of renewal. Trademark owned by the company. Established client base of more than 1000 partners in Russia, CIS and Europe. The stone was widely used in the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Developed delivery in Italy. The profitability of the business over 100%.
In addition, in the lands of the company are two deposits of vein quartz to obtain fiber, crucibles, optical glass and crystal growth.