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The electric chain hoist (electric hoist, chain hoist)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2014
Seller:Beloshapka Viktor
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Address:Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The hoists significantly increase the productivity of constantly needing multiple lifting and moving of goods. Most often used in industrial premises, warehouses, can be used for lifting and moving loads outdoors
Classification of hoists
stationary (no chassis trucks) or mobile (with monorail or bi-trajectory truck movement). hoists with monorail trolleys usually have a small load up to 20 tons maximum; hoists with lifting capacity of 50 tons, as a rule, have in its design bi-trajectory cart movement.
with normal or reduced construction height
to have a different ratio of pulley (2/1, 2/2, 4/1, 4/2, and so on)
the hoists in various designs and climatic conditions: NI (intrinsically safe version)