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Sale of meat "Sausages Konakovo"

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2014
Seller:Katerina Tumanova
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Address:Russian Federation, Tverskaya Oblast'
Operating Plant for the manufacture of meat and sausage products LLC Konakovo sausage". Founded in 2009.
Operating business (staff, management, certification, trademark, trade network, availability of suppliers of raw materials and spices). All of the property!
Communications: electricity 400kva, Central sewer, high speed Internet, telephony.
Administrative building: 1400 square meters, capital construction.
The plant is equipped with expensive German equipment. The equipment allows to produce about 100 types of meat products. The capacity of 5 tons per shift/10 tons per day.
Revenue 500 000 rubles per month.
The meat of the European level!