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Sell gasket for lid filters ABRA-YF-3016-D low price

Offer type: salePublished: 02.04.2014
Seller:Pankov Sergej Anatol'evich
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Address:Russian Federation, Belgorodskaya Oblast', Stary Oskol
The firm Investpro have the opportunity at an attractive price buy various construction and industrial equipment. For example, there are valves: check valve ABRA-D-022-NBR, wedge gate valve cast iron with electric drive or under drive installation, control rods for inserts ABRA-EJF16 and so on. For example, wedge gate valve cast iron ABRA-A4016G040-BS is 3126 rubles. Note that these products are focused on housing, heat and water supply, and construction firms. All the details you will find on the official web-site.