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Current business.

Offer type: salePublished: 02.04.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Will sell business.
Online store soundproof material, has no analogues.
What You get:
A site with a unique selling proposition.
The contract with the exclusive supplier;
Get the best contacts advertisers and courier services;
Configured and paid ads in the search network Google for the month ahead;
+ Bonus - free support and training to all the intricacies of this business during the month.
Your advantages with the purchase of this business:
Work with suppliers without intermediaries;
The products displayed on the website, always in stock;
Products are stored at the supplier's warehouse, which solves the problem of storage of the goods and the rental stock.
Start to earn money just for yourself!
The cost of Internet store 90 000 rubles