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Mixture for preparation of cream, sweet and salty thermostable filling. Wholesale and small wholesale at a low price!

Offer type: salePublished: 24.04.2016
Company:BMB Blend (Kontsern Bears)
Seller:Gugunishvili Shorena
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
The proposed mix for easy cooking of vanilla and chocolate creams, as well as thermostable filling production the manufacturing of cakes, pies, bulochnik, butter and puff pastry and for decoration on cakes, pastries, rolls:
Creamy filling with a characteristic strong taste of cheese "Gouda",
Savory stuffing with a characteristic taste of Italian pizza,
Meat stuffing (succulent meat),
Nut filling with the inclusion of crushed nuts,
Gribnau etc.
Saving money and time during production of finished product and large factories and mini-bakeries. The possibility of producing an original mix for your unique product