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Complex of industrial buildings (plant)

Offer type: salePublished: 16.04.2013
Seller:Lyahovskij Aleksandr
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The company is on the street Soviet, Lubny, Poltava region, which is 200 kilometers from Kiev. On the land area of 5.3 ha is a complex of buildings and structures (some buildings are part of the facade of the street) with a total area of 20500 square meters, which consists of:
 machine shop - cu.m.
 4 warehouse: 687 square meters,120 square meters, 44 square meters and 84 square meters
 Foundry CV.m.,
 2 Administrative building CV.m. and 824 square feet
 Repair and Assembly shop and paint Department - CV.m.
 2 workshops - CV.m. and CV.m.
 Technical school 2882 sq. m
 Dining room kV.m,
 Boiler kW.m
 Substation kV.m,
 CAT 10.m,
 2 pumping stations kV.m. and 23kv.m
 Flotational - CV.m
 Garage - CV.m,
 Cellar
 Shed
 pumping Station water
 Fire pond and water.
The plant area is fenced, has a solid floor and railway paths that are connected with the railway station Lubny. The company has a gantry cranes, crane in workshops and other Metalworking equipment necessary for carrying out repair and adjustment work of road machinery. The capacity of the plant allows to change his profile under a different type of activity. Price: 1 500 000 USD. USA