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Capacity for irrigation on l

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2013
Seller:Malina Aleksandra
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Capacity horizontal oval G -5000
wall thickness: 8 mm
volume: 5000 litres
length: 2500 mm
width: 1840 mm
height: 1850 mm
the diameter of the throat: 400 mm
Capacity is used in an automatic watering system for the water used in the irrigation system, remains in them and was heated(if irrigation is from wells), as well as all unnecessary particles, debris, chemical elements contained in the water sinking to the bottom. The advantage of capacity is the provision of water, long-term service of the polyethylene as it does not corrode, and the cost which is significantly below any capacity with any other material, but cost just to remember that these things can save as containers also are not good, for this we recommend You to use our quality which is checked on the territory of Ukraine and in other countries.