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The capacity is from 100 to 20,000 litres, tank, barrel

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2013
Seller:Malina Aleksandra
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The capacity is designed for long-term storage and transportation of liquid, viscous, liquid-flowing, powdered, granulated, spirometrically, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, fuel, and other products (drinking water, alcohol, vegetable oil, industrial oil, waste water, faeces, diesel fuel, sulfuric acid, poison). The vessel does not have an odor and absorb postoronnie, can be used to restrict at temperatures from-50oC to +60oC. During freezing of the contents, the vessel does not crack.
Capacity for irrigation, the capacity to transport water and liquid fertilizer
The proposed emote from 100 to 20000 thousand liters . All implemented plastic containers and tanks are designed for long-term storage and transportation of drinking water and chemical substances (diesel fuel, acid, alcohol, oil, pesticides and much more) for installation in the ground. Capacity (tank) also allows you to store sticky, powdery and granular substances.Water tanks are manufactured from linear polyethylene food-grade high density, resistant to aggressive environments and UV light. The vessel can be operated in the temperature range -30 to +60 C. Method of manufacture ensures the integrity of the products (without seams) and high strength characteristics.
All products are certified in Ukraine.
Low prices, quality, individual approach