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Autonomous Sewerage OASIS-3

Offer type: salePublished: 03.04.2013
Seller:Malina Aleksandra
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Made of polymeric materials not subject to corrosion, based on modern technology, using optimally selected set of equipment, station "OASIS" guarantee the customer a high level of wastewater treatment and smooth operation with minimal maintenance costs over an extended period of time.
Wastewater treatment plant "OASIS - 3" has a capacity of 600 litres of wastewater per day (200 l/person x 3 persons) with a normal concentration of contaminants (60 g BOD5/person / day).
Short term can be recycled wastewater that exceeds the standard performance twice (once in 3-4 days exceeding the number up to 5-7 people). The amount of instantaneous discharge is not more than 0.2 m3.
You can order a model designed for significantly greater (30-45%) instantaneous discharge compared with the base - modification "PLUS".
The installation consists of process tanks, combined in one housing