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The copper wire Diameter from 0 to 3 mm to 10 mm Mark M1 Price

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:OOO,,Stal' Soyuz,,
Seller:Koval' Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Diameter (mm) Brand Condition
1 M1 soft,hard
2 M1 soft,hard
3 M1 soft,hard
4 M1 soft,hard
5 M1 soft,hard
6 M1 soft,hard
Wire copper
the wire is intended for manufacture of electric cables, wires, cords, and other electrical purposes.
Diameter: from 0.3 mm to 10 mm
Delivery condition: mild (MM) and solid (MT)
Normative documents:
TU U 27.4-00195452-011-2002 - Wire copper round electrical.
copper rod according to TU U 27.4-00195452.006-2001 with a copper content of not less than 99.9 % (including the silver content of less than 0.015%)
If You can't find interesuushie You products please contact us for advice.
We can also produce products under the order.
Yours faithfully Dmitry 063-291-06-22,044-360-43-20
Sell copper wire with a thickness of 0.1 mm (- 1m - 60 kopecks) - suitable for needlework, very thin (tears easily). Possible sale of the coil - 800 g - 80 UAH. Made in the USSR - 1983 - the main purpose is for soldering and rewinding of generator coils.
Also there are more than solid wire from 1 to 2 mm (not torn, holds its shape but is inconvenient for embroidery)