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Brass wire f from 0, 25 mm to 12 mm Brand LS-1 63

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:OOO,,Stal' Soyuz,,
Seller:Koval' Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Thickness (mm)
1,5 Brand LS-1,63 semi-solid
2 Brand LS-1,63 semi-solid
3 Brand LS-1,63 semi-solid
4 Brand LS-1,63 semi-solid
If You can't find interesuushie You products please contact us for advice.
We can also produce products under the order.
Yours faithfully Dmitry 063-291-06-22,044-360-43-20
Brass wire
General purpose wire (used in various industries)
Diameter: stamps LS 59-1, CuZn40Pb2 from 1.8 mm to 12.0 mm
Diameter: grades L 63, CuZn37, CuZn36 from 0.25 mm to 12.0 mm
Normative documents:
GOST 1066-90 - brass Wire. Specifications
DIN EN 12166:1998 copper and copper alloys. General purpose wire
Drug 59-1, 63 with the chemical composition according to GOST 15527-2004 (DSTU GOST 15527:2005)
CuZn37, CuZn36, CuZn40Pb2 with him.the composition according to DIN EN 12166:1998
Tags: brass wire
,buy brass wire
brass wire buy
brass wire 63
brass wire price
brass wire GOST
welding brass wire
brass wire +solder