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Making models of any complexity and level of detail

Offer type: salePublished: 31.03.2018
Seller:Orlov Il'ya Anatol'evich
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Kryvyi Rih

M aket Your company will be a key link total exposure of a corporate Museum. But if the enterprise yet his Museum, a large-scale model, of course, will be alternative allowing with maximal efficiency to display strengths organization.
With the help of layout can not only display technical the object, but also the entire surrounding area
Regardless of the specific scope of Your company, whether it is construction, fabrication, industrial equipment or investment the goal is to impress and to win the trust of the business partner, the maximum attractive and fully submitting your project will not lose You to your relevance. A custom layout will become a universal way to achieve this goal.
The proposed complex of works for the manufacture of models and models included:
Develop detailed 3D project
Selection of materials and the manufacture of the model or the model with the equipment to house them
Installation layout and all exhibition equipment for it the final place. Instructing personnel about the features of care layout, warranty, service and maintenance.
Workshop Artistic Design more than 10 years specializiruetsya on the design of Museum exhibits, and production layouts for a variety of organizations. Our clients include state, public, commercial and industrial companies for which we were made functional models of maximum complexity and level of detail.
We guarantee that the equipment produced by our the company is characterized by high quality, safety in use, and a long service life.
All layouts, models, and necessary exhibition equipment is produced by its own technical base, highly qualified workers with extensive experience.