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Biofireplaces. Insert Alaid Style 500

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2018
Price:14 220 UAH
Seller:Eko Inna
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

Length fire: 387 mm

Unit volume: 1.3 liters

Heat output: 2500 Watt

Dimensions l x W x in: 500 x 150 x 65

Material: stainless steel. steel INOX

Manufacturer: Gloss Fire

Narrow fuel block (width 150 mm) was developed as an insert in a narrow, made of fireproof the materials of walls, niches, marble or stone portals.

  • Outer casing is painted, neskolkimi layers rich black heat-resistant paint for fireplaces.

  • The internal compartment is designed preventing boiling of the fuel.

  • Front panel - steel 6 mm eliminates deformation of the metal, has high quality finishes.

  • Offset to the place refueling is a good option, which saves time filling TB. Unscrew, insert the funnel, pour the fuel to a certain level, twist and exploit.

  • Internal filling - ceramic fiber with absorbent properties, keep a bioethanol exclude claps, flash, prevent leakage of biofuels.

  • Heat-resistant mesh protects from karambolage exterior exposure. Working with karambolina, the flame has a rich yellow. Use of high-temperature corrosion stainless steel.

  • The ability to extinguish the fireplace at any time leaving biofuels within the block. Due to the fact that the flash Hider beyond TB, it is not heated, which minimizes odor while fighting.

  • High quality finish interior and exterior parts of fireplace (surface sanded on a special modern equipment).

The kit delivery of product includes: fuel block, an elongated lighter funnel holder, napkin impregnated with cleanser for stainless steel, warranty card, manual.