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We buy waste: polyethylene shrink stretch film

Offer type: buyPublished: 17.03.2018
Price:1 UAH
Company:LLC Polymers
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
We buy film stretch polyethylene (LDPE), agglomerate of stretch, waste stretch film. We purchase warehouse and industrial wastes, stretch film, pallet film, used for wrapping goods, products and goods on pallets. With the percentage of blockage of no more than 10%. The volume from 1 to 50 tons/month. Agglomerate of a stretch. Without impurities and Scotch. The volume of 50 tons/month. Perhaps the acquisition of waste stretch film mixed with LDPE polyethylene, as is often the sorting is not performed. Operate throughout the territory of Ukraine. Possible self. Tel.: (067) 591-49-39, (097) 414-39-54. Anastasia. Additional information on the website