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We buy scrap plastics, PP, PE, PS, HDPE

Offer type: buyPublished: 15.03.2018
Price:1 UAH
Company:LLC Polymers
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Buy polymers (field and city tax). Price is negotiable, depends on the quality of raw materials. A preference for PP, PE, HDPE, PS lid, pet bottle, basin, bucket, furniture, buckets of mayonnaise, colander, bin, shelves, bathrooms, toilet tanks, harnesses, crate of beer, barrels, paneling refrigerator inner cover TV, woks, mugs, white sanitary fixtures, buckets of construction, the shape of a chocolate bar, a bottle from-under detergents and cleaners, canisters, syringe disassembled, mirrors, medical, pipe and sewer black. Preferably without residues, construction debris, metal, and outsiders are not polymeric inclusions. Shipping negotiated separately. Any form of payment. Prefer long-term cooperation. Tel: (097) 414-39-54. Anastasia. Additional information on the website