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Compressor oil for screw compressors

Offer type: salePublished: 05.03.2018
Seller:unisol Sergej
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
Sell compressor Oil for screw compressors

Buy compressor oil for screw compressors Atlas Copco, Kaeser, Atmos, Chicago Pneumatic, Ceccato, Gardner Denver, Boge, Abac, Balma, Fini, Ingersoll Rand, Mattei, Demag, Ingersoll Rand, Mattei, and other manufacturers and analogues.

If You need to buy compressor oil for screw compressor at below market price - please contact our consultants.

Our company offers to buy compressor oil for screw compressors, which meets all European quality standards and standards of operation for screw compressors.

It is very important to choose the right compressor oil, it can differ depending on the manufacturer of the compressor equipment, since the compressors operate at different temperatures and compressor oil which is excellent for the compressor working temperature of 80-90° C, it is not designed to work compressor with an operating temperature of 100-110° C, is as important a factor it is timely replacement of compressor oil.

During operation of screw compressor compressor oil experiences high load, so it should have the following properties:
- high flash point (ignition temperature).
- high anti-corrosion properties;
- high detergent properties;
- resistance to aging;
- highly hydrophobic;
- no foaming;

By purchasing in our company compressor oil for screw compressors, you ensure the safe and reliable operation of their compressors and prolong their service life.
Order compressor oil in our company, You are guaranteed to get a proven, certified product, European quality meets all technical standards.

Call us and we will help You to choose compressor oil!