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Grinding machine EWAG WS11, DUAP DWS, WMW SWFW-250

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The company sells used equipment:
1.EWAG WS 11 - grinding machine axis of the tool used, 1981 century Movements along the axes X, Y, Z - 100, 150, 100 mm operating state;
2.DUAP DWS - universal grinding machine used, 2 units, 1979 century working surface of table - 105*650 mm operating state;
3.WMW SWFW-250 - grinding machine for worm cutters b, 1982 century, the Diameter of the workpiece - 260 mm, turning length - 400 mm, the length of the workpiece - 710 mm, module - 0,5...20 mm operating state.
Also offer other grinding machines, including CNC: E, EE, DE, V, DE, HAHN & KOLB, BUF, VZ-F, VZ-F, VZ-F, VZ-F, VZ-F, Guoghi Octopus 100, Schneeberger Norma CFG, WALTER GC-8, WALTER Helitronic-50 CNC B, E, 3691, E, E, 3666, OF 3,663, A, CHRISTEN AU-100, FS-71 Studer, M.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU