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Tourmaline healing pajamas with biophotons

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2014
Seller:Yuliya Yuliya
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Tourmaline healing pajamas with biophotons relieves fatigue and pain ( m/W)
Such exposure causes the following effects:
- Opening of previously not worked capillaries, improve blood rheology, blood supply to tissues and organs, detoxification of the body.
- Prevention and treatment of diseases of the blood vessels of the heart and brain.
- Improving the efficiency of immune protection.
The decrease in the content of lipids in the blood.
- Remove cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels.
- Local warming, pain, inflammation and spasm.
- Eliminates painful conditions associated with fatigue brain or hypoxia.
- Increased energy and metabolism.
- Improving the efficiency of antioxidant protection against UV and radiation.