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Plant for the production of lead and lead alloys

Offer type: salePublished: 23.03.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Serpukhov
(!the price is negotiable!) Production is temporarily closed, but it is maintained.
Owner - one owner of a 100% stake.
1)Two short rotary kiln 2 and 5 ton load.
2)Refining the boiler 20 tons with an agitator and pump.
3)the filling Conveyor.
4)Block cyclones of the four pieces.
5)Laboratory spectral analysis of the alloys of the Papuan 4I.
6)Forklift G/N 3 tons (mitsubishi); crane beam G/N 2 tons.
7)Moulds for alloys black lead of the furnaces.
So there is the equipment for manufacture of fractions up to 40 tons per month.
Building: m with utility rooms in the property. Electricity 100 kV/g (contract).
Possible sale without industrial premises and without Drobotenko production (price negotiable).