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Brick plant in Central Russia

Offer type: salePublished: 21.03.2014
Seller:Oksana Sergeevna
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Address:Russian Federation, Voronezhskaya Oblast', Voronezh
Plant for the manufacture of bricks and ceramics
from owner!
Located 100 km from Voronezh (, Ostrogozhsk)!
The term of business: 7 years
Land and buildings 15304 sq m
Equipment - 20 million rubles
The license for 25 years
The clay reserves for 50 years
Staff: 65 people
Managers: 3
Products: brick solid M100-M150 method of plastic molding.
Capabilities: production of any type of ceramic products (tiles, shingles and other)
The price of the product - 8-11 RUB /pieces
The cost of the product is 3.5 rubles /brick
Performance: 7-8,5 million bricks/year
Demand 100%
Brick Ostrogozhsk production has sold out completely!
The customer base for free!
Spring promotion!
The cost of the plant with 25% discount: 32 million rubles!
All inclusive!
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