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Art village in Finland (recreation) on the lake

Offer type: salePublished: 18.03.2014
Seller:Kalinin Maksim Andreevich
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Sold the business in Finland.
The project is up and running for several years, sold due to the fact that the owner is leaving for permanent residence in the United States.
Financially and legally, all pure, all decorated in the property, all documents are in order.
The business itself is recreation (Art village) in Finland 400 km from St.Petersburg, which includes: 8 hectares of land on the lake, 7 cabins, bath, sauna, restaurant, ski slope with ski lift. There are all communications and personnel. It also has bikes, ATVs, boats, fishing rods. Decorated license free fishing in the water.
More detailed information is available by E-mail or by phone.