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Tea-hearts - delicious Romantic gift

Offer type: salePublished: 17.03.2014
Seller:Buraev Vladimir Mihajlovich
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Address:Russian Federation
Share your heart with loved! :)
A nice romantic gift and a delicious surprise for your loved one!
1 heart - 1 mug of tea.
Complete 20 hearts 8 kinds of tea 2-3 heart of each kind of tea in a large transparent Heart on a Golden rope.
Patented Japanese technology pressing.
8 types of tea:
Ginger, Oriental Beauty, Alishan Oolong, Hibiscus tea, Black tea with rose,
Black tea with lavender, Black tea with lychee, Taiwanese Assam
Organic - 100% NATURAL, CONCENTRATED TEA! Pretty and nice! :)
Reviews of tea hearts and client list can be seen on the website "Formosa Taiwan Tea" in the Tea section hearts
Licenses and certificates confirming the quality of tea under the Certificates and licenses on the website "Formosa Taiwan Tea"
Treat a loved one with the warmth of your heart through a tea heart )
Method of preparation:
1 heart of 0.5 grams per 1 Cup of tea brewed in 2-3 minutes after 1 minute stir well, let it stand and settle the tea leaves ~2 minutes. Drink from the "Heart" is ready :)
Possible acquisition of hearts under the order! quantity, packaging and content.