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Chinese language courses in the training centre "Syntagma".

Offer type: servicesPublished: 17.03.2014
Chinese language courses in the training centre "Syntagma". Here you will be able to learn to speak and understand by listening to Chinese speech, learn the pronunciation of Chinese words, phonetic transcription (Pinyin), to get comprehensive explanations of difficult points of grammar, types of sentences, etc the Best teachers living a long time in China, as well as native speakers, fluent in Russian thoroughly and available will introduce You to traditional customs and culture of China, will explain to the listener all the nuances of the Chinese language. Classes are held in a cozy , comfortable atmosphere 2 times a week for 2 hours. Small group ( 2-4 persons). Adult and children's groups. Dostupne rates. (057) 754-90-02, (050) 516-72-53, (097) 984-67-16, (063) 223-15-08.