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Offer type: salePublished: 17.03.2014
Seller:Belov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
CJSC "Technologist" can supply the demand of the aluminum power cables, cable Avbbshv.
Cable Avbbshv 4x10, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv 4x25, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv 4x50, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv 4x150, Avbbshv h, Avbbshv h.
The price of cable Avbbshv depends on the number of cores and their cross-section.
For cable Avbbshv can be useful connectors and terminators You along the cable can be bought from us.
Call soon, our managers will be looking forward to Your call!