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Offer type: salePublished: 17.03.2014
Seller:Belov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
CJSC "Technologist" can deliver terminators required by the customer.
Turning to us, You will find an extensive directory of cable terminations for indoor and outdoor installation (PKTP-1-25/50, PCTP(B)-1-25/50, PKTP-1-95/150, PKTP-1-50/70, PKVT-10-150/240, PCNT-10-70/120, CVTP-1-25/50, CVTP-1-150/240, 3 KSTP-10-70/120, 3 CVTP-10-70/120, POLT-12D/1XI-L12A, GUST 12/35-50/450-L12 and others).
Prices terminations from 700 to 3500 rubles
Our experts will select the best option for You "price-quality" cable terminal coupling.
Call and order!!!